華生醫生部落格,原文請點這裡。這是3-2 The Sign of Three的主案件,如果在看3-2之前先看這篇可能對案子會更理解XD(這個案子在戲中演了不少,先看一下挺有趣的。

The Mayfly Man 鬼魂男友


We'd just returned from a quiet, civilised evening in the pub when our latest client arrived at Baker Street. She was a nurse. And, apparently, she'd been out for dinner. With a ghost.


The client (she's asked me not to reveal her name) told us that she'd been on a date and that everything had gone well. He'd been the perfect gentleman, apparently. They'd swapped numbers but, when he hadn't got in touch, she'd gone to his flat to see if he was okay. And it turns out, he wasn't. Because according to his landlord, the guy who'd been in the flat had died over a week before. She'd then found a website where other women were talking about similar experiences.


Sherlock went onto the website and found a number of other women he believed had met the same man. He couldn't work out a connection between them, though. They had different backgrounds and interests. The man had given a different name on each occasion. But then he worked out how he'd done it. He'd taken the names of people from obituaries. He'd found single recently-deceased men who had lived alone - and he'd taken the women back to their homes. So on each occasion, he'd taken a dead man's identity for one night only.


But, while he was pleased to have worked out how it had been done, Sherlock was annoyed that he couldn't work out why he'd done it.

當 Sherlock 很高興解開如何犯案的手法之時,他同時也相當困擾因為他想不出犯案動機。

Because, sometimes, Sherlock Holmes can really miss the bloody obvious. I pointed out that it was just a tiny bit possible that possibly there was a man out there who just, possibly, maybe wanted a few one-night stands. I know, a shocking revelation. Case solved.

因為 Sherlock Holmes 有時就是會miss掉明擺著的事實。我告訴他也許有這麼點可能性,那就是,可能這個男的,只是想要來個一夜情。這真是個驚天動地的發現。結案。

6 comments 6則回應



Donna Staveley 21 July

I KNOW!!!!!!!


Dame Latif 21 July

Quite a good trick though.


John Watson 21 July


Harry Watson 21 July


Mary Morstan 21 July



John Watson 21 July


心得:在3-2 The Sign of Three中後來解開了謎底,其實這位男子並不是只想要一夜情而是另有目的,另外,片中也交代了 Sherlock 從網站上篩選出遇見同一位男子的受害人的方法,為了不雷大家就自己去看吧!

結果說到底 Sherlock 竟然還是對的,John說對方只是想要不負責的一夜情,夏洛克一直沒辦法接受這個說法,搞不好是偵探的直覺吧= =。(就像白羅也經常會一直思考一些大家看起來很平常沒什麼大問題的東西,堅持裡面另有玄機什麼的,當然小說後來都證明白羅是對的XD)



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