

The Poison Giant 毒巨人

It all started when I received an email. There was no text just a picture of a pearl. I assumed it was spam but then, the next day, there was another one. Another email, another picture. Another pearl. And again and again. Six days, six pearls.


And then it just stopped with no explanation. I was happy to ignore it but Sherlock was intrigued. I think the thing that intrigued him the most was that I'd received the emails rather than him. Well, I think it irritated him. Well, I know it did. He called me one morning, shouting and demanding to know why the interesting people always emailed me and never him. Sometimes he really is just like a little kid.


We were able to trace the emails to a warehouse in Wapping owned by a Daniel Brennan. We found the warehouse but, unfortunately, we also found Daniel Brennan. He was lying next to a laptop, having been shot by a poisoned dart. Not that Sherlock noticed. He was too busy searching the laptop for further clues. He'd already worked out that basically we were on a treasure hunt. I made a joke about Anneka Rice's bum but he didn't get it.

我們追蹤郵件找到了一個位在Wapping的廠房,擁有者是Daniel Brennan。我們找到了廠房,然而不幸的是,我們也同樣看到了Daniel Brennan。他被一支毒吹箭射殺於筆電旁邊。毒箭還不是Sherlock發現的,因為他忙著從筆電找線索,並推斷出我們基本上陷入了一個尋寶遊戲中。我說「快找寶藏,別看Anneka Rice的屁股」的笑話,不過他沒聽懂。

("Hunt treasure!! Don't look at Anneka Rice's bum."是一句網路流行語,可能是某個實境秀留下來的,但我不知道是什麼,為了讓文章通順點就寫進去了,大家可以看一下原文John的用語)

We took the laptop back to Baker Street and examined it. It seemed to belong to someone called James Swandale, judging by the documents he'd oh-so-carelessly left on it. I didn't need Sherlock to tell me that it was some kind of trap. But still, he did.

我們把筆電拿回貝克街好好檢查。從筆電中「唉呀不小心忘了刪」的文件中我們可以看出來,這個筆電可能是屬於一個名為James Swandale的人。不用Sherlock告訴我我都看得出來這是個陷阱,不過,他還是講了。

He'd heard of Swandale. He was a jewel thief who could apparently get into lots of places easily because he was... well... short. Really, very short. I'm not sure what the correct word is these days.


What I couldn't understand was why he'd emailed me in the first place. Why lead me to an innocent man who he'd killed? And, most weirdly, why lead me to a laptop full of clues as to the location of his next heist? Obviously it was a trick of some sort. He wanted us to go the wrong place. But even then, why send me the emails at all? Or was it all a trick by someone else? Was someone else setting up Swandale? To be honest, I was baffled. But then again, when am I not baffled?


But Sherlock was Sherlock. It was all a big game. Someone had started a new game with him and he had to win. That was something I'd learnt myself quite quickly into our friendship.


The big clue we had to go on was that Swandale had got hold of the plans of a house belonging to some pop star from the 90s called Giles Conover. He'd been 'big on the indie scene' apparently. I don't actually know what that means but there you go.

我們主要線索顯示Swandale打算要偷Giles Conover的家。Giles Conover似乎是位九零年代流行樂手,「稱霸獨立音樂圈」,我不太了解那是什麼情況,大致是這樣。

So off we went to do a stakeout. At night. And that's when we met James Swandale. He was, to be honest, terrifying. And he had his poisoned dart with him. And he had a friend. A big friend. A really big friend. Sherlock recognised him as Phil Dickinson, known to some as The Headcrusher. So, there we were being chased across a rooftop by Swandale and his poisoned dart only to run straight into this bloke who could break me in half with his bare hands.

後來我們挽上就去監視(Giles Conover的房子)時遇到了James Swandale。說實在他還滿可怕的,帶著一個毒吹箭,還有一個朋友。一個大朋友,真的很大隻的朋友。Sherlock認出了他的伙伴是Phil Dickinson,人稱「爆頭男」。結果我們在屋頂被Swandale追殺,幸好他的毒箭射中了那個可以空手把我劈成兩半的傢伙身上。

出現在3-2 The Sign of Three的畫面,這是Swandale

And that's what it had all been about. Somebody had wanted us dead and rather than hire an assassin had hired a pair of jewel thieves who were like the parallel evil universe version of Little and Large. They were trying to outfox Sherlock by not playing by the rules.

這就是全部的故事啦。有人想害死我們,他不僱刺客,反而請了一對彷彿Little and Large平行時空邪惡版的珠寶雙賊來殺我們,想利用Sherlock不遵守遊戲規則這點致勝。

(Little and Large是一部英國長壽喜劇,主角兩個人,一個姓Little,另一個姓Large)

We escaped, obviously. Sherlock's good with a sword and I'd bought a gun. One of them went off the roof and the other's currently in prison.


We never found out who was trying to kill us. I felt we should investigate further but Sherlock had already dismissed it as boring and irrelevant. He was far more interested in a phone call he'd just received from Greg.


About an elephant.


So that was that. Off we went. Ready to solve our next case. It's exhausting but, God, I've missed this life.



Another good one, mate.


Mike Stamford 27 May

this is all liess!!! visit here ayt more abecause theu fdon't believ your lies MATE #teammoriarty

這些都是荒言!!!知所以一在來看是因未我們不相信這些謊話 老 兄 #莫里亞提團隊

Anonymous 27 May

Sherlock was proved to be innocent. Let it go.


Jacob Sowersby 27 May

Cheers, Jacob.


John Watson 27 May

I used to love Giles Conover!!! Did you get his autograph?!

我以前很喜歡Giles Conover!!!你有拿到他的簽名嗎?!

James Gamlin 27 May



Sherlock Holmes 27 May



這篇文章我挺喜歡的,裡面有幾個亮點。一是搖滾巨星Giles Conover其實並非真正的搖滾巨星,他是Basil Rathbon在1940s的電影,「現代」福爾摩斯系列中的一部《死亡珍珠》的反派角色,《死亡珍珠》有中譯(我有買),內容大致是有人在找音樂盒,福爾摩斯最後發現,原來音樂盒中藏有價值連城的珍珠,看得出是從原作《六個拿破倫》改寫而成,而Basil Rathbon也是我很喜歡的福爾摩斯之一,現代+打散原著台詞和詭計改編的手法(所謂現代就是1940年)和Sherlock其實是一樣的~。

第二,原作《四簽名》中,一開始Mary Morstain就是收到了珍珠,每年一顆,後來對方不再寄了,反而要求見面,這才讓Mary進而向福爾摩斯求助,跟本篇文章開頭一樣。《四簽名》中壞人帶著小矮人殺手吹毒箭殺死了舒爾托上校,我本來以為在《三簽名》中可以看到差不多的改編,沒想到竟然沒有!太失望了,原來是放在blog裡頭了QQ。


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