The Empty Hearse 空棺
So yes.
You'll have seen the news.
新聞內容大致是在說 Sherlock 回歸,議會恐怖攻擊案時Sherlock現身南倫敦車站,兩年前Moriaty的調查被證明是錯誤,兩年前的事件真向尚且不知,但可確定的是 Sherlock Holmes 是詐死,對於不實報導造成如此大的傷害,記者Kerry小姐還公開在新聞上道歉,「我被 Jim Moriaty 利用,對於我的行為造成一連串嚴重事件深感抱歉,對於福爾摩斯回來,我由衷感到高興,也祈求福爾摩斯先生能原諒我的愚蠢。」
Where do I even begin?
As the trending hashtag says: #sherlocklives
Before we get to that, I hope you saw the other news. The pre-#sherlocklives news. The news that the police finally worked out that he was innocent. Everything I've said on this blog has been the truth and now everyone knows it. I just want to take a minute to thank those who commented on here saying that they still believed in him. It really helped.
So yes. He's come back from the dead. Of course he has. Of course Sherlock Bloody Holmes could come back from the dead.
Turns out he'd faked his death because Moriarty had threatened those close to him. Including me. He'd gone into hiding, happy to leave me and everyone else thinking he was dead. He'd done it to save us but he hadn't trusted us enough to tell us what was really going on. Not sure I'll ever truly forgive him for that but as the saying goes, life goes on.
He came back to London to foil a terrorist attack on the city. He came back to life only for us to nearly die. Again. It's all life or death with him. Nothing in-between.
I was out having dinner with my girlfriend when he sauntered back into my world. He was dressed as a waiter. BECAUSE HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY. He genuinely thought it would be funny to surprise me. I think he was more surprised when I nutted him. But let's not dwell on that because again, as the saying goes, life goes on.
當他這麼悠悠哉哉地回到我的世界時,我正在跟我女朋友吃晚餐。他打扮成了個餐廳侍者,因為他 覺 得 好 玩。他打從心底地覺得給我個驚喜很好玩。我覺得當我頭鎚他的時候他搞不好更驚喜。不過我們就不要再提這件事了,因為,同前所述,反正都過了。
Only, of course, he comes back into my life which means I find myself being attacked, kidnapped and stuck in a bonfire. We still don't know why that happened. It had nothing to do with the terrorist plot. It was terrifying though. One of the scariest moments of my life. Trapped. Unable to move. I could hardly breathe. And all I could hear were children! Singing and laughing like they were in a horror movie. Not knowing that I was trapped in the bonfire. And then someone set it alight and that was me gone. Just about. Sherlock and my girlfriend turned up in the nick of time and saved me. It was probably Sherlock himself. Set it all up just so he could save my life so I'd forgive him about what he did. Nah, I know it wasn't really.
另外,當然的,當他回到我的生活,這句話就表示我又被攻擊、綁架、並且綁在營火堆裡差點被燒死。我們現在還是不知道這一串事件的原因。雖然這件事跟倫敦恐怖攻擊一點關係都沒有,但那真的夠恐怖了,榮登本人人生驚嚇事件冠軍。被五花大綁,動彈不得,不能呼吸,耳邊只聽到小孩的聲音!像恐怖電影裡那種小孩的笑聲和歌聲。我不知道我被綁在營火堆裡面,只要有人一點火我就掰了,差不多就這樣。Sherlock 和我女朋友在千鈞一髮之際救出了我。搞不好這些都是Sherlock搞得鬼,先綁架我再救我,然後我就原諒他之前做的事了。搞不好是這樣我不知道。
At first, I didn't really welcome him back into my life. I couldn't. I mean I know he's a psychopath and I've accepted that but what he did this time, it was too much. So I ignored him and got on with my life. But God, it was dull. I knew he was back. I knew that he was out there having the time of his life and I was... working. But I wasn't going to give in. He even replaced me! I refused to go back to Baker Street so he replaced me with Molly Hooper and started solving cases while he worked on the terrorist thing.
But then the whole kidnapping/bonfire thing happened. And he saved my life, of course. And I went to say thanks and... I was hooked. He's like a drug. He told me about the terrorist plot and I was hooked. I had to help him.
He showed me this video of an Underground train leaving one station and arriving in another. Only the one passenger who'd been on the train had disappeared! Only then, he realised, it hadn't been the passenger. It had been a whole carriage! We investigated further and discovered that there was an old, disused station between the two stations.
Underneath the Houses of Parliament.
We made our way there only to discover that the carriage was empty! But then we found out why there wasn't a bomb in the carriage. The carriage itself was the bomb. Every seat, every inch of it was covered in explosives. And it was primed to go off just a few minutes later. It would have destroyed the Houses of Parliament and wiped out the government. And, obviously, it would have killed us. But Sherlock, the clever bastard, knew where the off switch was.
He saved our lives and he saved the country.
And, as you'll have also seen on the news, Lord Moran was arrested. Yup, the terrorist was the Minister for Overseas Development. You can't trust anyone these days, can you?
So that's it. Sherlock returns from the dead and we save the country. All in a day's work.
Oh, and in other news, I've got engaged. But, it's not something I'm really going to talk about much here. I want to keep some things private. I will say, though, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Sorry, Sherlock :)
So, yes. It's all good. Better than good. It's bloody brilliant. #sherlocklives means #johnwatsonlives.
Seriously? Don't make me come over there, Sherlock.
7 November
這 真 是 太 棒 的 消 息 了!!!!!!!
theimprobableone 7 November(不可能先生終於用了大寫,還是全大寫!)
Mate! It really must be! You've used capital letters!
Mike Stamford 7 November
You're getting married, Johnikins? Squeeeee!!!!
7 November
I knew Moriarty was a lie!
7 November
No. Moriarty wasn't a lie. What he said was a lie.
7 November
What!!?! So he was real but what he said wasn't real? So I was right to believe in Sherlock? LOL I'm so confused!!!
啥!!??所以Moriaty是真的存在,然後他講的都是謊話?所以我之前相信 Sherlock 都是對的囉?LOL,我好困擾!!!
7 November
Yeah! Everything on this blog is real!
7 November
7 November
It was a real honour to spend a day helping Sherlock. I'm not John though.
Molly Hooper 7 November
He said you were really good!
7 November
Yeah! Said you did an amazing job.
7 November
We aren't talking about the moustache.
8 November
What is this world I'm getting into...
Mary Morstan 9 November
* 心得:
I see you haven't spent the last two years working on your writing technique.
Sherlock Holmes 7 November