


The Bloody Guardsman 染血的侍衛

Sherlock didn't want me to write up this case for reasons that will become obvious. But there's no way I was going to pass up the chance to... well, you'll see!


It all started with an email from one of the Queen's guardsmen. It's probably easier just to introduce it in his own words. 'Dear Mr Holmes. My name is Bainbridge. I'm a Private in Her Majesty's Household Guard. I'm writing to you about a personal matter - one I don't care to bring before my superiors. It would sound so trivial. But I think someone is stalking me. I'm used to tourists. It's part of the job. But this is different. Someone's watching me. He's taking pictures of me. Every day. I don't want to mention it to the Colonel. But it's really preying on my mind. I've read about you and I know this sort of thing wouldn't interest the police.'


At first, Sherlock wasn't hugely interested. Perhaps someone just liked men in uniform. But I think it was a combination of why this particular guard had been chosen and the mention of how this wouldn't interest the police that worked for him. And, to be honest, we needed a break from preparing for the wedding so off we went to Wellington Barracks.


一開始Sherlock對這個案子的興趣不大,大概因為有的人就是為制服男特有興趣吧。但我覺得偷拍狂會挑上這個侍衛一定有什麼特別的因素,就像剛剛說的,警察不辦這種案更使兇手如魚得水。而且,說實話,我們也得從準備婚禮的忙錄中抽身休息一下了。於是,我們來了 Wellington Barracks。

We had to wait for the guard to come off duty. Well, we were meant to wait. Sherlock's not very good at waiting and before I knew it, he'd nicked a hat, disguised himself as a guard and entered the building.


But it was too late. The bloke who'd emailed us was dead. He was in the shower, surrounded by blood. Only, there was no way anyone could have stabbed him. The door was locked from the inside and, as Sherlock pointed out, he'd clearly not been stabbed before entering the shower. It was a proper locked-room mystery, the kind that Sherlock loved.

但這一切已經太晚了,寫信給我們的那位已經死了。他死在淋浴間裡,倒在血泊中。而且,完全沒有任何可能刺殺他的時機。淋浴間的門是由內鎖上的,且 Sherlock 也指出他顯然在進入浴室前還活著。這完全是個密室之謎,就是 Sherlock 最愛的那種密室殺人。

I, however, was more concerned about the dead man. And, when I was finally allowed to examine him, I discovered that he was actually still alive! I think we're so used to finding corpses in our cases, that Sherlock had just looked down at the body and assumed he was dead. I managed to stop the bleeding and got him to hospital.

然而,比起密室我更擔心被刺殺的那位。等我終於被允許可以檢查屍體的時候,我發現他竟然還活著!我們實在太習慣在案發現場看到屍體,所以 Sherlock 看見倒在地上的人就覺得他死了。我想辦法止住他的血並送他去醫院。

The mystery still remained though. Who had tried to kill him? And - and this is what interested Sherlock more - where was the weapon? It was impossible. There was literally no way anyone could have got in or out of the shower. And there was no way the guard could have stabbed himself because the weapon would still have been in there.

謎題仍然未解。是誰想殺了他?還有--Sherlock 更有興趣的地方是--武器從何而來?這是不可能犯罪。就如字面上所說,完全沒有任何人可以有什麼辦法進入淋浴間。也不可能是侍衛本人刺殺自己的,如果是那樣的話武器不會找不到。

An impossible crime. Perfect for Sherlock.




He couldn't work it out!


Sherlock Holmes was bamboozled!

Sherlock Holmes 被難倒了!

I had hoped this would annoy him more than it did. The reality is that he just shrugged it off and went back to organising my stag do. And I really do mean organising...



Thank you, John.


Sherlock Holmes 29 June

That was a sarcastic comment, by the way. I know such things often go over your head.


Sherlock Holmes 29 June

MATE!! That's epic!! Sherlock bamboozled!

老兄,這真是傳奇性的一刻!Sherlock 被難倒了!

Mike Stamford 3 September

Who doesn't like a man in uniform?


Donna Staveley 29 June



Dame Latif 29 June

i refuse to believe that sherlock could not solve a case

我拒絕接受 Sherlock 有破不了的案

theimprobableone 29 June

And he's back :)

而且他回來囉 :)

John Watson 29 June



這個案子的手法其實能不能實行我還是有點疑惑,不過可以想出這個手法真的很巧妙!(假設他是可行的好了)。但依照3-2內容所說的手法,如果 Sherlock 獲准可以檢查一下侍衛的制服,應該可以想得到刺殺的時機吧。

最後John怎麼提起單身之夜這麼不甘願?是我翻錯了,還是因為 Sherlock 籌辦的單身趴實在是太蠢了XD?我喜歡「主題酒吧之夜」,但是搞不好 John 對於 Molly 的「兇殺現場之旅」更有興趣(John 才不是這種人!)?


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